Monday, April 26, 2010

Meeting Great Great Aunt Nancy

Henry playing the piano at Grandma and Grandpas house.
Henry is a Prodigy. He's playing "Chopsticks" at seven months!
Getting lots of attention from Great Great Aunt Nancy.
Prodigies get bored quickly because they are sooo smart. Ha!
Grandma and GGA Nancy are so tickled with him.
Encore! Encore! Grandma and GGA Nancy played Heart and Soul! All time favorite.
Very focused listening.
Meeting Great Great Aunt Nancy for the very first time.
Daddy and Henry at Spring Fest 2010.
Having brunch and saying good bye to GGA Nancy. :( She was so much fun!

We had a nice quite weekend. Which is always good. We have been everywhere it seems like this year. Friday night we had a wonderful little cookout over at Andrea and Josh's home. Saturday we got up hoping to go to the Farmer's Market and Spring Fest but it just kept raining. So when it stopped around 3ish we rushed over to Dickson. Not a lot of people this year and don't think all the booths were out because of the inclement weather. We didn't stay long because another shower was coming through. Mommy doesn't like to hang out in wet clothes!

Later that afternoon we went over to Grandma and Grandpas home. We had a wonderful guest in town. Great Great Aunt Nancy!!!!!! She was up for our distant cousins wedding. She finally got to meet Henry. It was so neat seeing them visit with each other. For those who don't know. Great Aunt Nancy is Grandmas Aunt. She lives in LR. It was so neat watching them play the piano. It brought up some old memories for Grandma and so neat we could be apart of it. So off we go home so little H could have a late nap. Sunday we met up with everyone again at our favorite little restaurant called Emelia's. They have the best Eggs Benedict not on mommy's weight watchers plan but come on....don't get the opportunity to eat eggs benedict everyday, right?! So off Great Great Aunt Nancy goes back to LR but we will see her again. Bye Bye and Love you!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Henry at Six Months Old

Henry and Lilly at Eyan's Birthday Party
Henry being silly!

Daddy likes for all the blood to rush to Henry's head! Promise he doesn't do it for a long time.
Henry playing with celery at Hugo's celebrating Mommy and Daddy's third wedding anniversary.
On the phone with my Aunt.
Right after school playing on the floor at our home.
Loves to get the books down under the coffee table.
I wish everyone could see how much Henry loves Nanook. Everytime Nanook barks, Henry laughs uncontrollable. It's hilarious!!!
Playing with dad. Daddy just got home from work. Look how nice he looks?!

Another month has pretty much gone by. He turns seven months in two days. Henry is super smart and developing rather quickly. He's crawling, standing straight up playing with toys and the best of all....he says, "momma." Henry makes my heart melt. Daddy and I love him so much. I love every minute I have with our son. Everyday when I pick him up from school he just smiles and pulls his arms out for me. I quickly grab him and hug him so hard. We come home and eat baby food and then I give him a bath. He loves bath time now. It's weird...he really likes warm water. I am hoping he will adapt to the pool this summer since it will be much cooler. Hehehehe! It's going to be lots of fun this summer playing with him outside and seeing him interact with other children. He loves people and definitely will be a people person. He still tries to play with Louie our family dog that lives with us inside, but Louie doesn't give him the time of day! Actually Louie is starting to become really annoyed with Henry because Henry is now mobile. Most of the time if Henry is playing with us in the living room, Louie is in the guest room chilling.

OMG....More pics.

Aunt Carol and Uncle Dave
Melissa and Lindsay
Grandpa and Uncle Steve
Another beautiful shot of Lindsay and Jenna

Gavin and Stephanie
Uncle Steve, Aunt Cindy, Aaron, Grandpa and Henry
Trying to stay still.

More Pics of Stephanie and Gavin Wedding

Martin Family on our way in the Steph and Gavin reception
Lindsay and Henry. I love this shot!
Jamie and Steph
Some of the Martin ladies
Great Grandmother seeing Henry again.
Mommy and Henry. Henry just woke up from his nap.
Group shot at the Bridal Shower
Steph with her brides in designer toilet paper dresses!
Jamie, Aaron and Lindsay
Jenna, Aunt Carol and Lindsay -- So beautiful!

More pics from San Diego. As you can tell we all had a great time and filled with smiles on our faces. It was soooo great to be with everyone. It's not often we can all be together so I had to soak it all in. It was so neat seeing Henry interact with all his Great Aunts and Uncles, Great Grandmother and all the Cousins.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My first trip to San Diego.

Great Grandmother and Henry
Our little family:)
All the cousins that were there celebrating Steph and Gavin wonderful marriage celebration. We missed you David, Allison and Kelsey.

Beautiful Bride, Stephanie in the middle.
What a beautiful shot of Lindsay and Grandma. They were in a deep conversation.
Awww....Cousin Jamie was the first Martin in the third generation and Henry is the first Martin in the fourth generation. Do I ha
My boys!
Jamie and Henry bonding.
Let's just say, he goes 90 mph!
Getting ready to leave the hotel to go home.

We had a wonderful time in San Diego. The city was just beautiful. Henry did awesome on his first plane ride. He didn't make a peep. I took a lot of pictures of the trip but majority got all deleted. Let's just stay stubborn mommy should have read the manual for the new camera. Thanks to our family they took quite a bit so we still have some to share and see. Henry also did really well while we were in CA, even with the two hour time change.

We went to the San Diego Zoo the second day we were there with Grandma, Grandpa, Great Aunt Carol and Great Uncle Dave. The weather was just beautiful! Henry had a little allergic reaction while we were there. The right thing to do is make sure your baby has protective lotion on any exposed areas of there bodies but COE is always test before really using it!!!! Let's just say he's going to be like his mommy and be allergic to all kinds of things for skin use. Mommy and Daddy went into the first gift shop and found some benedryl for purchase and he was all better in 40 minutes. He was back to normal!

Later that afternoon the ladies all went to a bridal shower at this great place called Extraordinary Desserts. It was sooo yummy and wonderful atmosphere. I think Aunt Cindy bought everything in the store. We played a game where you design a wedding dress with toilet paper. I was the model and Aunt Cindy and Grandma designed. All I can say we WON!!!! Later Grandma got a picture that I don't have but I did see....Grandpa, Uncle Dave, Daddy and Henry were at the bar. What??? I was thinking he better not be in smoke but thanks to the State of CA no smoking anywhere indoors! Henry recently had bronchitis so being in second hand smoke was not so good for him.

Our third day, we walked to the Seaport Village. It's right off the ocean. It was so nice and relaxing there. They had all kinds of cute shops and little restaurants. We took all kinds of photos but again they are deleted. I guess we will have to make another trip to SD and make more memories. Later that afternoon we went back to the hotel so we could all get ready for the reception for Stephanie and Gavin. It was at yummy restaurant called Roy's. It's like a Hawaiian Asian Fusion Restaurant. We had awesome food and fantastic service! Henry even took a cat nap there in his stroller. As the event went by I was still taking pictures and later realized all the great family pics we had taken were all deleted in a click of a foreign button. At this point I just
wanted to cry but I held my composure and knew it was alright. I was just soooo sad we take this trip and for once we are all (The Martin's) together and I lost all my memories on photo.

The fourth day we traveled back to AR. Henry again traveled great. We have been so blessed to have taken him everywhere and he just adapts. He loves people and looking at things. Henry is about to turn seven months next week. He's extremely smart. He does all kinds of things now. He crawls, pulls himself up and says, "Momma." He loves his baby food. We have given carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, green beans, apple sauce, bananas and peaches. So far he loves veggies but doesn't really like the bananas and peaches.