Wednesday, December 26, 2012

So it's been two years since I blogged. Yes...way over due. I actually got a new computer so things are going to be easier and faster for me.

We just had another fabulous Christmas celebration with family. This year we didn't travel down to TX because my parents are in Taipei right now but we did get to spend our very first Christmas with my in-laws on Christmas Day. We started out having a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner with our dear friends The Chaneys &  McDades family. We had a wonderful ham prepared by Bo and lots of yummy sides. Christmas morning Aaron, Henry & I got to have our lil family Christmas and Santa cane to our home. Henry got everything and more than what he asked for from Santa. He had a blast playing all day with his new castle and the things that went with it. After nap time we went over to the Martin's for dinner and opened gifts there too. Henry got lots of new and fun things and we did too. Our sitter / dear friend Brooke came over too.

Crazy enough I didn't get much picture taking so I will just have to re-add some that I have already posted on FB.

 Gingerbread Train Day!
 Homemade Sugar Cookies for Santa....YUM!
 H's play castle. So far he hides his Ogre in it because he still trying to warm up to him.
 Santa's delivery to H! H was a super good kid this year!
H got a sleeping bag & head lamp....Prepping for some camping time this spring & summer.

Our dear friend Brooke. H's loves her especially when Ogre is nearby.